Friday, May 20, 2011


It's been pretty relaxing the last few days and I've managed to get some crafting done.

First I helped Belle with her father's day gift for her Dad...

Then I used old Christmas cards to make a snowman wreath.  I found the idea years ago and I've had the wooden wreath for a long time.  I Mod Podged the individual cut outs, the Mod Podged them to the wreath for and finally put a coat of Mod Podge Outdoors over the whole thing.

and I finished my woven box top..

Now back to working on my knitting.
This has been a UFO for about 2 years so now is the time to get it done.


  1. You have been very busy. I love the wreath!!

  2. Hi there Debbie - you won my Vintage Crafts workshop giveaway! Please send me your address so that I can have Chronicle send your book. :D

  3. I love the colors on your knitting. Neat ideal on the wreath also.
